Wednesday, February 26, 2020

I chose the Bud Light Platinum commercial.

This commercial shows the new drink that they came out with called Bud Light Platinum.

The commercial shows off the product as any other company would when showing off a new flavor, but this is different than just a flavor because the flavor doesn't change and the main difference is that it has a higher alcohol content and it has a smoother feel.

The commercial uses comedic effect to help you remember the product through jokes and a light nature.

The commercial shows the different versions of Bud Light as knights to the king.

The king is like the audience and throughout the series of commercials made like this he gives comments about what tastes better and how they are different.

People have loved the commercial and it has influenced many people to make their own Bud Knight costumes out of empty cases of Bud Light.

The author is Bud Light and they structured it as if it is some medieval time putting a play on words known as "Bud Knight" and they put two characters into the commercial that are known as the knights.

It has a comedic effect that makes it funny to watch.

The audience of this ad is generally people that are of the age to drink and it is for people that like to drink beer.

I think that this ad did a great job at achieving the ultimate goal of increasing Bud Light's overall sales because they created a commercial that is pretty recognizable and it has made people from all over go and buy their new platinum product as well as their common Bud Light product in a much higher volume so people can make their own Bud Knight costumes and so that this one beer is always on their mind instead of some other kind of beer.

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